Category: Grounds Management

The Argument for Organic Fertilizer

Homeowner Fertilizer Lawn

The current market for fertilizer is filled with seemingly endless options. When you’re trying to make sense of so many different products, it can be difficult to determine which one is right for keeping your landscape healthy. The first step to narrowing down your choices is to decide whether you want synthetic or organic fertilizer…. Read more »

Why You Should Be Pruning Your Trees in Winter

Hands Holding Clippers to Prune Trees from First-Person Perspective

Of all the plants on your property, established trees probably require the least amount of maintenance in the bunch. As long as they’re getting enough water, you can usually get through the growing season with just the occasional application of mulch or fertilizer. The one care task you do need to prioritize when it comes… Read more »

3 Tips for Tackling Snow Removal This Winter

Man Snow Blowing

Winter is a magical time of year. Unfortunately for homeowners, a picturesque winter wonderland also brings with it one of the most annoying and tiresome landscaping tasks of the year—snow removal. It would be wonderful if snow could melt away as quickly and effortlessly as it falls to the earth. But since that’s not the… Read more »