Why Flagstone Is A Great Material for Patios

Flagstone patios are a great way to make an addition to your backyard the natural way. Never tacky, flagstone is a naturally occurring material and, subsequently, in its own element on your lawn. It subsequently contributes to, rather than takes away from, the aesthetic of your outdoor space. Aside from the natural aesthetics, flagstone has… Read more »

Picking the Right Mulch for your Landscape

There are many factors to consider when picking the right type of mulch to fill your garden or surrounding landscape like what type of plants, flowers or shrubbery is confined within, if your focus is to prevent and keep out weeds, or if you are intensive on correlating with the color of your house. Stone… Read more »

How you know Your Lawn Service Took the Right Steps

Culturing a green, healthy lawn is a very fickle thing. When hiring a professional to install a lawn to meet your needs, you want to ensure they are taking a few basic steps. Rototilling Compacted soil is the enemy to growth of any kind. Compacted soil is void of oxygen and impervious to water. Aerating… Read more »

What Mulch Can Do For Your Plants

Every gardener with a green thumb knows mulch is a valuable addition to garden beds and to shrub and tree bases. Mulch offers a most versatile list of benefits to plant life and root structure. But what exactly makes mulch such a commodity to trees and shrubberies is countless and even a little surprising. The… Read more »

When Sprucing up Your Curb Appeal, Go with the Pros

Turning your front or backyard from grass, mulch and bricks into a fully developed, beautifully landscaped environment can add appeal to any plot. There are, however, tons of ideas, information and material you can employ to get the job done and it could be overwhelming for the do-it-yourself-er. Professional landscapers help with all the steps… Read more »

Why Use Peat Moss?

Peat moss, derived from sphagnum moss, is a crucial component to making soil healthier and more conducive to grass, shrubbery and groundcover growth. As the organic conditioner is laid and decays, it benefits the soil with not only favorable pH conditions, it promotes other physical conditions allowing for ideal growing conditions. To understand what peat… Read more »

The Many Benefits to Mulching Your Garden Bed, Trees

Mulching your shrub beds and trees is needed for more than simply making your yard look nice. Mulching is imperative to the healthy growth and longevity of your plants. There are actually a number of benefits mulching brings to your garden. As you know, plants of all types need water and moisture to survive. Mulch… Read more »