Swimming Pool Safety Tips

Pool Safety Rules Having a pool is a big responsibility. Here are some swimming pool safety tips to help ensure you and your guests stay safe this summer… and future summers.

Add a Protective Barrier

For starters, there should be a barrier surrounding your pool especially if you have kids or kids live nearby. The worst news a parent could get is that their child drowned in a pool within no one around to save them. Therefore, it’s a good idea to surround your swimming pool with a fence. Typically, it should be about 4 feet tall and have a self-closing, self-latching gate. You can install a pool alarm that will sound off should anyone enter the pool area– thus alerting you that someone is not where they should be at a certain time. Also, you should consider putting a safety cover on your pool when it’s not in use. Remove any ladders/steps used for access, too. Basically, you want to make it so there’s zero chance a toddler or kid finds their way into the pool, unsupervised, and drowns. Do whatever it takes to make that happen because it’s a matter of life or death.

Proper Supervision for Kids and Novice Swimmers

Next, when there are kids at your pool they need to be supervised at all times. That means you cannot walk into the house for “just a minute” and leave them alone. Literally try and be within arm’s reach of little ones at all times. You never know when they could become helpless in the pool and need you to rescue them. Little ones should also wear life jackets approved by the U.S. Coast Guard.

If your pool has a deep end, make sure all of its users can handle the deep end. You should test them to see if they know how to swim and can manage spending time in the deep end without problems. Many local schools and community organizations offer swimming lessons– take advantage of those, as well as pool safety courses.

Timeless Pool Rules

One simple rule that everyone should follow around a pool for safety’s sake is this: no running! Furthermore, most pools today have warning signs that say “no diving,” because amateur divers might hit their heads on the bottom of the pool and end up seriously injured. The rules you set for your pool need to be enforced.

Clean Water

Finally, it’s important to keep your pool clean and clear. If and when the chemical levels, circulation and/or filtration aren’t optimal, the pool can become cloudy. If you or your lifeguard can’t see the bottom of the pool, then there should be no swimming in it until the water is clear again.

If you need help optimizing the layout of your pool, contact Better View Landscape LLC & Design today.